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Insurance claims

Note that all insurance policy holders have a right to claim for payment/compensation as long as the sickness or accident occurred within the period when the Insurance policy is still valid. It is possible to enter claims on a date after the expiry of the policy. This window allows the user to register the claimant's claim details so as to process Insurance Claim payments.

How to process Insurance claims?

To process Insurance claims you go to Insurance/Claims and a screen like the one below shows up:

Please note that, for your receipts to be saved, before uploading ensure that you save an image / picture with the recommended extension formats in the Insurance folder you created under System/Configuration/General/Insuranceso that when uploading you will click on that image. Your receipt will be saved. This you will do once. The recommended formats appear once the upload button has been clicked as seen above:

Click on the Save button to save the details of the claim. This details will be available for approval and claim payments.

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